Monday, December 25, 2006

An AOB Christmas

This is my second Christmas with the AOB. It has proved very... interesting. Of course, we have to turn down the chip dip with olives that Commander Seth's fangirls send him. Apparently they forgot what we're fighting against the moment they saw Seth's face in the newspaper. (I *knew* newspaper articles were a bad idea, but would he listen? Noooooo.) I seem to rememeber that chip dip from somewhere... Hmm... Oh yes! My cousins used to bring it to our family gatherings. Even then, they were slaves to the olives. I wonder if one of them is now Seth's secret admirer. Pretty soon he'll have to hire an official letter-reader to separate the fan mail from the business. If business starts falling behind, we'll know that happened: Seth stopped having to open it in the hopes that it was fan mail instead.

Also, secret bases are very difficult to make look festive. Houses, no problem! But when you've got the bland efficiency of a secret base, it's another story. Garlands hung around sliding metal doors just don't give the same effect. And where's our fireplace? We don't have one. Good thing we're all aware that Santa doesn't bring us presents. Otherwise there would be some very sad olive-fighters around. We'd probably slip up and accidentally EAT some of that olive-filled chip dip in our distress.

I pulled Agent Delta away from his surveillance to decorate the Christmas tree with me. I don't think he enjoyed that very much, but I was hardly going to decorate the tree alone! His tallness was useful since he could reach the top of the tree and I couldn't. If you look at the tree squinty-eyed you can't even tell that the top only has red and blue decorations on it while the bottom is a multitude of colours.

On my way to the kitchen in search of some hot chocolate, I passed underneath a couple mistletoe-guarded doorways. I haven't yet caught anyone hanging mistletoe, but I have my suspicions as to who it is. At least I'm not the only one decorating the base... Rachel was already making hot chocolate, so she was free of suspicion. She did warn me to watch out for Aaron and Alex around though. It sounds like they covered the whole ceiling in the great hall. They hoped to make it look like fan-girl work, but they've been hanging around there a little too often for that.

We gathered for presents. I realize now that having us all in one place at the same time was a bad idea. Even in our own base. Some of those mistletoes on the ceiling were fake. And filled with OL-6. Lark must have detonated them from a remote location. Agent Delta was on his guard and pushed Seth out of the way of the barrage falling down on us. I'm afraid I blacked out then and don't remember the rest, except that I seemed to be singing and dancing... I asked Aaron about that later, but he wouldn't say anything on the subject. He was probably hit by the OL-6 too. However, we survived and got all olive-loving thoughts removed from our heads by the remedies I had in the lab. Now we'll have to think of a way to get Lark Corp back next Christmas.